The children had been asked to record a track called "Child of Hope" for an album entitled "Hope". It is the only vocal track on the album.
The children behaved and performed impeccably as always, despite the extremely hot weather and having to go over the piece time after time, often going over just a couple of bars again and again.
Vangelis arrived towards the end of the day and declared himself very happy with the children's work. All the crew in the studio were also very impressed with the children's singing and professional attitude.
One of the big highlights of the day for the children (and some of the mums) was meeting Peter Andre, who was recording his new album. The children managed to get photos, kisses and hugs from him, and he even made time to have his photo taken with some of the mums. What a nice guy!
Yet another unique experience for the children, one I'm sure they won't forget for a long time.